Understanding Gen Z
Opeepl Youth Pulse, Wave 1 (Oct, 2023)
The report gives you insights into Gen Z consumer confidence, attitudes and worries, popular media channels, trending brands & purchase drivers across different categories.
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Opeepl Youth Pulse
As Gen Z and young millennials (15-27-year-olds) become the largest consumer segment in global markets, it is crucial for businesses to understand this audience’s values, beliefs, and behaviours to adapt to the evolving consumer landscape.
Youth Pulse is a bi-annual study that delivers the latest trends and developments in the young consumer market. Using our unique mobile Dynamic Sampling technology, we reach youth directly on the device they use every day—their smartphones.
Explore Youth Pulse, Wave 1, findings for your category
Access category-specific reports to get Gen Z insights relevant for your industry.
Understanding Gen Z: Food & Beverage
Understanding Gen Z: Fashion
Understanding Gen Z: Personal Care